Egypt Fish Farms

Egypt fish farms increased rapidly in the last years. And it continues to increase specially after the establishment of Suez Canal fish farms. These fish farms constitutes of 4000 ponds hatchery marine fish culture for the production of 160 million fish fry. And 500 million shrimp larvae annually and incubators to supply 160 million fingerlings of fish and 300 million shrimp larvae annually.
Egypt fish farms production has reached 1,800.000 tons on 2018 which constitutes 65% of total Africa fish production.

According to ELWatan Newspaper Egypt is the first on the world in Bory Fish production and the third on the world in producing Bolty fish. Egypt invests 30 billion in fish production. Fish production in Egypt has a great opportunity as Egypt still did not reach the self-sufficient stage. Also Egypt exports fish to Gulf countries & Europe.

Dr. Ahmed Hamza, a fish consultant, and the president of the Aquavet Aquaculture Center said that Egypt possesses endless possibilities in the entire Middle East region as it is one of the best countries to export fish of all kinds, pointing out that Egypt is at the top of fish production countries.

Opportunities for Egypt fish farms

1. Many regions in Egypt still needs fish farms such as Aswan, New Valley and Upper Egypt.
2. Opportunities for exporting fish to Gulf Region and Europe.
3. Opportunities for making factories near fish farms to make cooked or prepared fish.
4. Opportunities for exporting prepared or cooked fish to Europe and Gulf Region.
5. Opportunities for producing fish feed.
6. Opportunities for producing fish farm supplies.

Egypt fish farms industry is a booming one. And if you decide to start your own project you will have to make a feasibility study at first. And we offer helping you in doing it. As well as in the preparation of the business plan
Also, the General Authority for Fish Resource Developments offers the required experience and Knowledge for helping you. 

Invest in Egypt .. Invest in Egypt fish farms

Good Luck🙂


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